
In order to solve the increasingly demanding and complex simulation environments and applications our customers and partners are concerned with, we cooperate with leading experts in academy and industry.

FLUIDON – Business partner simulation hydraulics und co-simulation

IfADo – Academic partner human-machine-interaction und ergonomics
IMR RWTH Aachen – Academic partner mechanical engineering mining sensoric
MSC Software
MSC Software – Business partner simulation

ORTEMA – Industrial partner medical applications
Aachen University
RWTH Aachen University – Academic partner
Fraunhofer UMSICHT
Fraunhofer UMSICHT- Academic partner
University of Wisconsin Madison
University of Wisconsin Madison – Academic partner simulation methods and software
Visual Computing Institute
Virtual Reality & Immersive Visualization Group
at RWTH Aachen University – Academic partner VR und visualisation
Vincent System
Vincent Systems -Industrial partner medical applications
VRCA -Academic partner VR und visualisation